When you search for “Covid Disinfecting Services Near Me” or “Emergency Disinfection Services,” you will notice that a bunch of companies pop up that all seem to offer the same thing. How can you tell which one is best?
If you’re a property manager, the safety of your tenants is in your hands. After going through the pandemic, you’ve seen the impact that a facility not operating at full capacity has on your business’s bottom line. And now that you have experienced the shut-downs and reopenings, you know how critical it is to partner with a cleaning company specializing in advanced disinfection services.
We’ve put this post together to break down the most reliable disinfectant services’ top requirements. But that’s not enough—a successful partnership between managers, owners, and commercial cleaning services relies on a few key elements, which we’ll share here.
Covid Disinfecting Services Near Me: How to Find the Best
To find the best COVID disinfecting services near you, you’ll first need to define what “best” means for this type of service. With so many providers to choose from, you will need to know what disinfecting services are essential for your building and the safety of your tenants. What do you need, cleaning vs. disinfecting vs. sanitizing?
An excellent place to start is the CDC website. The situation with COVID is ever-changing, and the requirements and guidelines from the CDC have been changing right alongside it. When examining nearby COVID disinfecting services, make sure they know the most up-to-date policies per the CDC. They should also have a clearly outlined plan to ensure their team members are following those guidelines wholly and safely.
Sentral Services has been in the professional cleaning industry for over fifteen years. We know that, though COVID has made us all think a little more carefully about cleaning our workspaces, your need to maintain health and safety in your building won’t change when the pandemic passes. You can request a disinfection services quote from us today and read on to learn more about the criteria you should be using to vet the disinfection services in your area and make sure they are up to snuff!
Experienced Staff That Continually Improves
The first thing you’ll need to verify is the experience of the disinfection service’s staff members. Does this staff have experience handling COVID-related disinfections? Do they have experience handling those types of disinfection processes in a building like yours?
There is more to quality disinfection services than just experience, however. Make sure the service you are partnering with adopts an attitude of continuous improvement with their staff. As mentioned previously, the CDC guidelines are constantly changing and evolving. You need to be working with a team that can adapt to those changes and makes sure they are doing everything they can to keep your tenants healthy and safe.
Another piece of continuous improvement requires regular training. Does the disinfection service have a consistent training plan for their existing staff, or do they tend to train during onboarding and never revisit it? A lack of consistent training can result in team members falling into bad habits, meaning you aren’t getting the best service possible from even the most experienced staff.
Tested-Process and Procedures
Any legitimate disinfection service should have regular processes and procedures in place for their staff to follow. A quality service will give you insight into what those procedures are so you know what you can expect before you partner with them.
These processes and procedures will likely differ based on the situation at hand. For example, at Sentral Services, we have three different levels of disinfection services. The first level is a simple re-opening sanitization detail. This is appropriate for an office that has been vacant for a while, whether between tenants or due to a temporary shut-down.
Level two is best for high-risk times like flu season and involves advanced disinfection of all high-touch surfaces.
The final level of service Sentral provides is our COVID-19 positive response service. This response is a highly extensive process of disinfection explicitly used when you know one of the tenants or visitors in your building has tested positive for COVID-19.
If the disinfection service you are looking into does not offer multiple options for professional disinfection services, they may not be agile enough to handle your every disinfection need.
Flexible and Timely Communication
Is there anything more frustrating than partnering with a company with poor communication? Yes: Partnering with a company with poor communication when the health and safety of your tenants are on the line.
When you’re looking for the best COVID disinfecting services near you, you want to make sure you’re partnering with a company that has a solid communication plan. Sentral Services has a customer service and communication plan called the CARE Framework. This framework hinges on great communication practices like providing consistent updates regarding the project’s progress and quick response time. When it comes to COVID disinfection services, you need to make sure your cleaning partner can quickly and effectively respond to an emergency call.
Another essential element of flexible and timely communication is the ability to provide cleaning services on your schedule conveniently. Do you need your disinfection services performed after-hours? Or perhaps, as outlined above, you have just had a tenant test positive for COVID and you need emergency disinfection now? Make sure whatever company you partner with is willing and able to work within your schedule.
Proper Equipment and Chemicals
The last - but certainly not least important - thing you will want to consider when locating the most reliable COVID disinfecting service near you is the equipment and chemicals being used. Ask the disinfecting service what equipment they use, both for cleaning and keeping their staff safe during the disinfection process.
The EPA provides a list of approved chemicals that have been proven to kill the COVID-19 virus. Make sure the company you are researching is using those chemicals, as it’s the only way to make sure you’re doing all you can to keep your tenants healthy.
Why Your Building Needs Reliable Covid Disinfecting Services
Even in the best of times, an adequately disinfected building is a vital part of making sure your tenants have a safe working environment. During the COVID-19 pandemic, proper disinfection has become a prerequisite for remaining in business. By asking the right questions and ensuring that your disinfecting service meets the criteria outlined above, you will be able to provide a safer, healthier workplace for your tenants.
In recent months, Sentral Services has provided COVID disinfecting services to all of our clients, so we know we have the right experience, processes, and attitude to give you reliable service. If you’re interested in seeing how we can help you keep your building healthy and safe, request a disinfection services quote today!